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Free online listen to Earthlings audiobook by Sayaka Murata and narrated by Nancy Wu . Are you a Sayaka Murata fan ? if yes you will love Earthlings audiobook. Now lets try to play the audio and leave a comment about this book.


1/This book completely rocked my brain. It covers really dark topics like trauma, misogyny, abuse, assault, and features cannibalism, but it’s handled with nuance and insight into contemporary society. I won’t stop thinking about it any time soon

2/So unique. such a rich book… amazing! funny. would probably make a really good movie. Quentin Tarantino should direct

3/If you like ultraviolence, screwed up humor, and devastating childhood tales, this is for you. Otherwise, it’s nauseating and it just gets worse and worse. I would classify it as bizarro lit more than anything else. If you like bizarro, go for it.