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Free online listen to Thrawn: Alliances (Star Wars) audiobook by Timothy Zahn and narrated by Marc Thompson , in series: Star Wars: Thrawn. Are you a Timothy Zahn fan ? if yes you will love Thrawn: Alliances (Star Wars) audiobook. Now lets try to play the audio and leave a comment about this book.


1/Still learning Star Wars so it was a little confusing. But very fun read. I have to add 6 more words lol

2/Want to hear a story about a man trolling a sith lord this is it. Thrawn is a Chiss who prefers logics and tactics over social or politically understanding.

3/This book was fine, but not extraordinary. Whenever Anakin/Vader would be able to look into the future and see something happening (like blaster fire), it was always prefaced with DOUBLE VISION. Okay, we got it the first 10 times, you don’t need the character to think/say DOUBLE VISION every single time. Whenever Anakin or Obi-Wan would use the force to grab something or push something, they didn’t say or think to themselves FORCE PUSH or FORCE PULL! And we didn’t need a blow by blow of where every single blaster bolt was going whenever Anakin/Vader was using double vision. “Blaster bolt to the head, torso, left arm, right arm!” after reading something like that for the 15 time it was exhausting.

The entire backup arc with Padme was not needed, you could easily skip it and go back to reading about Anakin/Vader + Thrawn and you wouldn’t miss anything. 1/3 of the book is wasted on Padme’s stupid adventure. This was a bit of disappointment after reading the first Thrawn novel. Treason however, is FAR better than this book