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Free online listen to Piranesi audiobook by Susanna Clarke and narrated by Chiwetel Ejiofor . Are you a Susanna Clarke fan ? if yes you will love Piranesi audiobook. Now lets try to play the audio and leave a comment about this book.


1/I have never grown so fond of a character so fast as I did Piranesi. He makes me want to be better, to love more passionately, and to be more kind. Every word was a lesson meant for me.

2/I really love how the author plays with narrative structure. The story was a comfort, if not a “must-read”, it was engaging and enjoyable. A credit well invested.

3/this story made me reflect on my own life, and my own sense of self. which is the highest praise I can give any book. It didn’t change me as much as it revealed parts of me which I have struggeled to put into words for the longest time.

It challenges your view on the self, religion and purpose. It reaches out to those of us who want to dissappear into a world where the simplest of things bring us joy and wonder. Is it mere escapism? Or is it a place we can hope to reach? what would the consequences be if I ever reached this place? I’ve been looking for that door, and that house my entire life. Maybe it would be for the best to not find it, but I still can’t stop longing for it.