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Free online listen to Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World audiobook by David Epstein and narrated by Will Damron . Are you a David Epstein fan ? if yes you will love Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World audiobook. Now lets try to play the audio and leave a comment about this book.



1/I heard the author on a podcast and really liked what he had to say. So I looked at his book and was worried that I had heard all the good stuff in the podcast. Not to worry, I read the book pretty quickly and there is a LOT of information that you will not get from hearing the author on a podcast or a YouTube video. Well worth the few bucks.

2/This book provides evidence that hyper-specialization stifles innovation. That playing with ideas, skills, and knowledge across disciplines fosters breakthroughs that many requires years of failures or dead ends to discover. It may cause you to rethink how you spend your time.

3/This is the most interesting book I’ve read in years. Epstein presents examples from a wide range of domains showing that curiosity and breadth of experience are invaluable.