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Free online listen to KINGDOM OF ASH audiobook by Sarah J. Maas and narrated by Elizabeth Evans , in series: Throne of Glass. Are you a Sarah J. Maas fan ? if yes you will love KINGDOM OF ASH audiobook. Now lets try to play the audio and leave a comment about this book.



1/Well I did it. I FINALLY finished Kingdom of Ash. I have sat here for 5 minutes starting at my screen trying to figure out how to put my feelings into words. The emotions that this book pulls out of you are intense. The highs and lows are full spectrum and you feel each of them in your very core.
The planning that was this book, series and universe is just absolutely unbelievable. Sarah does not write a single word that doesn’t mean something. Everything connects one way or another. For a book that is a thousand pages, to not have any filler is nothing short of a masterpiece. I may have also connected some things and will be MIA again for the next forever while I dive back down into the rabbit hole. Just wow. I’m in awe

2/I can’t even truly put into words how I feel about this book. An absolute favorite. SJM is an incredible author. How she comes up with plots and twists and keeping characters in line with who they are and their paths in the story is mind blowing! I don’t want to give away spoilers so I’ll only say this: bring tissues.

3/This book WRECKED me completely. I have never read a book and gone thru so many emotions. I cried, I laughed, I yelled and if I would have been reading the physical book and not on my kindle I probably would have thrown it across the room. Sarah takes on a massive roller coaster of emotions and while this probably the longest book I have ever read I will say one thing. It. Was. Worth. It.

Sarah’s books pull you in and make you a part of them. It is so easy to lose yourself inside her words and worlds that she creates that the characters become your friends, your family. And when they hurt, your hurt, when they find happiness so do you.

If you have never read a SJM book I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend starting with this series and then moving on to her other series as well! SO GOOD!